Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Me that I am not Anymore

Not to sound completely and totally crazy, but it's funny how a simple question can really make you think. "...I am not who I was and that person has gone away. That ever happen to you?" When you sit and honestly think about that statement/question, what comes to mind is actually quite interesting.
I am Kitchener; have been for almost 31 years now. That hasn't changed a whole lot. :-) However, yesterday I was a son. Today I am a Dad. Tomorrow I will be a grandfather. Yesterday I was a brother-in-law, today I'm an uncle.
It's funny how my life has "Chapters." Each grade in elementary school was a chapter, Jr. High was a chapter, for some reason High school seems like a collection of short stories all brought together in a collection of sorts, then the mission, and everything else until I got married (college, dating, heartache, pain, no sleep, depression, endurance)...AND THEN MARRIAGE!!!!!!!!! That story has been much more exciting!! Pregnancy, child birth, first apartment, second, third, fourth, etc. :-) A MORTGAGE!!!!!
My mission mom once shared a thought, "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery (waiting to be revealed and explored), Today is a gift." Yesterday I was thinner, today...not so much. But I am so happy! I wouldn't go back to being single or back in college for ANYTHING!! There are moments that I recall from yesterday that make my heart break. There are moments I would like to experience again. I am so grateful for memories and the feelings that I am able to take with me; sometimes there is something tangible that brings them back suddenly...almost as if I was there again.
I may not play the role I had yesterday, but I am still the "star" in my own performance. I have an innumerable cast of co-stars that add an entire spectrum of spice, drama, and pizazz to my life, but I'm still Me.
I am Kitchener. Honored son of Paul and Gale, incredibly blessed husband to Angela; lucky parent to Kitchener Jaxon and Lia Eliza-Sonja; humble sibling to Jenny, Jason, and Mike; grateful son-in-law of Mark and Jonni; brother-in-law to my best friends Andrew, Wendi, Sarah, Cameron, Aaron, Ian, Corby, Emily, and Em; proud uncle to Hayden, Ahlia, and Eliza, indebted grandson to Kitchener Edward & Sonja, Boyd and Leila and Claron, little (big) nephew to some of the most incredible Aunts and Uncles that this earth had ever known; and a cousin to some pretty amazing and incredible people that inspire, motivate and love me; I can't even begin to number the several special and dear friends that have enriched my life. I couldn't number all of my blessings. :-)
In more ways than one (metaphorically and physically) I am not the same as yesterday. I am; however, so blessed and happy to be who and where I am today. It's probably a good thing that I can't step into the same stream twice. A running stream is cool, refreshing, clean...full of opportunities and adventures; water that doesn't move and is stagnant is usually dirty. There's a reason we don't bathe in the same bath water. :-) BRING ON THE RAIN!! I can't wait to jump into that stream! I love you! Remember that. You are counted and numbered, and I value you more than you will ever know!! The ties that bind us run deep and eternal; remember that!

1 comment:

Rebecca Barlow said...

Just what I needed! Love you!