Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Lights, Camera...ACTION!!!!! (4th & final attempt)

This was at 1am at night and I went into the bathroom, and there in the tub was this king-sized, man-killer, mutated arachnid from Hades!! Now I'm not afraid of spiders, but one of these (same size and everything) bit me over my eyebrow back during my '98 Senior year in High School in Afton, WY, and one fell in my hair at work last Saturday morning (29-September-2007, I thought I felt something moving around in my hair and brush my ear) and when it jumped off my head and onto the dining room floor, it totally freaked myself and my two coworkers out!! These creatures are truly what nightmares are made of!!! Now, before you laugh...just picture one of these crawling in YOUR ear!!!


Rebecca Barlow said...

Oh my dear cousin. Although this spider is big, may I remind you, you are bigger. One word for you my friend - WUSSSS!!!! Ha ha ha ha. Seriously though, I think you should move. I would be too scared to bath there anymore. ;)

the4sanders said...

Holy cow! What a monster! They must breed them bigger where you live. I would be petrified.

Gale said...

I'm with Becca! You out-weigh that spider about 68,000,000 to one! And I'll bet you tried to kill it with hairspray, sani-flush, spray deodorant and a toilet plunger! Which worked?
But as long as you kept it away from your sweet wife, you ARE the hero my son however you managed to dispatch it. I don't mind spiders outside, in fact, I find them fasinating, but in my house...LOOK OUT! I am a ferocious spider hunter and masher!
Speaking of FEARLESS spider (grandma Lelia) was brave enough to kill a huge..and I mean HUGE, NASTY, HAIRY, growling spider with a flimsy Kleenex!!!! (Okay so it wasn't growling...much!) She said she felt the body pop when she mashed it. UGH!!!
You da man Kitch! LOVE YA!